Sh. Milandhoo Project Updates

03 August 2024

28th July 2024 - 03rd August 2024
In Sh. Milandhoo, ongoing work includes outfall construction at Gaazee Magu, sweeping sand from roads at Saima Goalhi and Ghazee Magu, and cleaning cable junctions at Shaheed Ali Hingun. Site cleaning is underway at the yard, along with parking area adjustments at Ghazee Magu, Roashanee Magu, and Shaheed Ali Hingun, where ramps are being installed. Speed breaker painting is in progress at multiple locations including Roashanee Magu, Kalaafaanu Hingun, Kanbaarani Hingun, Naazu Goalhi, Rehendhee Goalhi, and Huravee Magu. 
21st July 2024 - 27th July 2024
The ongoing projects include excavation and pipe laying works for the outfall at Gaazee Magu, along with sand sweeping on roads at Gaazee Magu, Shaheedh Ali Hingun, and Kalafaanu Magu. Outfall works continue at Gaazee Magu, and sand sweeping is also being carried out on roads at Ghaazee Magu and Kanbaarani Hingun. Cable junctions are being cleaned at Shaheed Ali Hingun, while parking area adjustments and speed breaker painting are underway at Kanbaarani Hingun. 
14th July 2024 - 20th July 2024
In Sh. Milandhoo, green areas are being replaced with pavement ramps at Gazaee Magu and Huravee Magu, and grasses are being removed from the pavement and parking areas at Gaazee Magu. As part of CSR work on the council walkway, activities include ground leveling, compacting, and paving, along with preparing shuttering for the council gate column at the yard. Excavation and pipe laying works for the outfall are ongoing at Gaazee Magu, and sands are being swept from the roads. Additionally, old pavement blocks are being removed, curbstones are being installed, and gate column reinforcement fixing and shuttering installation works are being carried out. 
30th June 2024 - 06th July 2024
Street light footings are being cast at the yard, and Pump Station 4 well sinking and dewatering operations are underway at Feeroaz Magu. Efforts include sweeping sand from roads and rearranging grass blocks on pallets at Gaazee Magu, along with cleaning and removing grasses from the yard. At Gaazee Magu, a green area is being replaced with a parking area, and continuous dewatering and concreting activities are being conducted at Pump Station 4. Materials are being shifted from the harbor to the yard and maintenance work is being carried out on JCB machinery.   
23rd June 2024 - 29th June 2024
The casting of street light footings was carried out in the yard, and reinforcement fixing for Pump Station 3 segment 2 took place at Ameenee Magu. Road marking works, specifically for speed breakers, were completed at Kalaafaanu Hingun. Additional tasks included the installation of street light footings at Gaazee Magu, bitumen painting and well sinking for Pump Station 3 segment 2 at Ameenee Magu, and mould installation and reinforcement fixing for Pump Station 3 segment 3. Grasses were removed from pavement areas at Shaheedh Ali Hingun, with similar efforts extended to Saimaa Goalhi and the general site area. At Feerozu Magu, Pump Station 4 well sinking works were carried out, and Fenaka solar data cable replacement took place at Huravee Magu and Roashanee Magu. 
02nd June 2024 - 08th June 2024
At Huravee Magu, pump station 2, activities include the installation of well segment 3 moulds, dewatering works, and the implementation of bar frameworks. Road marking and line marking tasks, including the installation of Zebra crosses, are being carried out on several roads, enhancing safety and traffic management. Additionally, efforts to maintain cleanliness involve sweeping sands from roads and removing grass from pavement areas. Bar frameworks are being efficiently managed at the yard to support ongoing construction activities. At Huravee Magu, pump station 2, further work involves reinforcement fixing, concreting, and backfilling processes, ensuring the station's functionality. The site is being meticulously cleaned, while grass removal from pavement areas ensures neatness and safety for pedestrians. CSR initiatives are underway, focusing on the installation of curbstones along the council walkway, demonstrating a commitment to community enhancement. At Ameenee Magu, pump station 3 is also seeing progress with concreting activities for segment 1. Road marking efforts continue across different areas, along with ongoing sand sweeping activities to maintain road cleanliness. Additionally, the shifting of unloaded items to the yard further streamlines operations
26th May 2024 - 01st June 2024
In Sh. Milandhoo, several infrastructure and maintenance projects are underway across different locations. At Huravee Magu, dewatering, excavation for well sinking, and leveling works are in progress at Pump Stations 1 and 2. Pump Station 4 at Feeroaz Magu is seeing extensive work, including mould removal, cleaning, bitumen painting, excavation, scaffolding, segment mould installation, reinforcement fixing, and concreting. Road marking activities, including zebra crossings, are being conducted at Roashanee Magu, Huravee Magu, Buru, Gaazee Magu, and Naazu Goalhi. Additionally, well ladders and scaffolding platforms are being welded, and cutting-edge well foundation formwork for Pump Station 3 is being crafted at the yard, where repair works on 3-phase submersible pumps are also taking place. Street light connections are being installed at Dhunburi Magu and Gaazee Magu. Furthermore, grasses are being removed from pavement and parking areas at Shaheedh Ali Hingun to maintain cleanliness and accessibility. 
12th May 2024 - 18th May 2024
Along Huravee Magu, dewatering and excavation works are in progress to facilitate the sinking of pump station 2 well, ensuring efficient water management systems. Simultaneously, efforts are devoted to well sinking works and the installation of bar frameworks and shuttering for segment 2, underlining a commitment to structural integrity and resilience. Roashanee Magu and Kalaafaanu Hingun witness meticulous road marking works, enhancing traffic management and safety measures in the area. Meanwhile, along Shaheed Ali Hingun and Kanbaarani Hingun, proactive measures such as sweeping sands off the roads and removing grass from pavement areas are undertaken, ensuring cleanliness and accessibility for pedestrians and motorists alike. Additionally, the installation of light posts and streetlights along Kanbaarani Hingun promises enhanced visibility. Furthermore, in Feeroz Magu, efforts are directed towards the cleaning of pump station 4 area, ensuring optimal functionality and hygiene standards. Lastly, along Dhunburi Magu, similar efforts to sweep sands off the roads and maintain pavement areas underscore a dedication to cleanliness and orderliness in the community.
05th May 2024 - 11th May 2024
In Sh. Milandhoo, comprehensive efforts are underway to enhance the island's infrastructure across various streets and locations. Along Shaheedh Ali Hingun, initiatives to improve road conditions include the meticulous removal of sand and the application of road markings, ensuring safer and more organized traffic flow. At pump station 5 Area, the focus is on stormwater management, with excavation for pipelines and the installation of stormwater settlement tanks underway to mitigate flooding risks. Huravee Hingun sees significant progress with pump station 2 works, including excavation and sinking activities, reinforcing the island's water management capabilities. Meanwhile, Hilaalee Goalhi witnesses essential works such as butt welding pipes and laying them, alongside the shuttering and reinforcement fixing of stormwater junctions, ensuring robust drainage infrastructure. Dhunburi Goalhi sees attention to detail with road marking efforts, enhancing road safety and visibility for motorists and pedestrians alike. Lastly, Shaheedh Ali Hingun sees a continuation of road marking activities, further improving traffic management on this vital thoroughfare.
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