Ameenee Magu Segments 12 and 13 Work Updates

20 December 2023

At 10:30 - A significant milestone was achieved with the successful completion of asphalt laying and compaction, a pivotal step in fortifying the city's road network. The newly laid asphalt promises not only enhanced durability but also a smoother and more resilient commuting experience for residents.
Simultaneously, the city's sidewalks became a focal point of progress as crews engaged in ongoing paving activities. This initiative is poised to redefine pedestrian spaces, aligning with the city's commitment to creating accessible and aesthetically pleasing walkways.
To ensure a pristine and safe environment, crews tirelessly engaged in asphalt dust and road cleaning. This meticulous effort is aimed at minimizing disruptions caused by construction activities and maintaining the cleanliness of the city's thoroughfares.
By 18:00hrs , team prepares to resume stormwater outfall pipeline installation work at 18:00. This crucial initiative aims to bolster the city's drainage system, ensuring efficient water management, particularly in periods of heavy rainfall.
At 07:00- Bitumen (MC-30) spraying currently ongoing on Ameenee Magu Segments 12 and 13. Asphalt laying scheduled to commence at 20:00.
20:00 - The night commenced with laying of asphalt on Ameenee Magu segments 12 and 13.
At 15:00 - Compacting of Aggregate Base Course (ABC layer) re-started and will continue until the end of the day.
By 22:00hrs, Compacting of Aggregate Base Course (ABC layer) still in progress and laying of storm water outfall line crossing of Boduthakurufaanu Magu is scheduled to start at 00:00 and will continue until 06:00. Furthermore spraying of bitumen (MC-30) scheduled to start tomorrow at 07:00.
At 20:00- Paving of sidewalks continued along with cut filling activities , reshaping the topography for future developments. ABC laying work continued while laying an outfall line from Ameenee Magu to Boduthakurufaanu Magu set to commence at midnight. This ambitious initiative aims to enhance the city's drainage infrastructure, ensuring a more robust and efficient system.
At 08:00- ABC layer compacting work is in progress. Concurrently, subgrade leveling and compacting work unfolded, laying the groundwork for stability and longevity. 
By 20:00hrs, Subgrade leveling and compacting works in progress along with laying of Aggregate Base Course (ABC layer) in segment 13.
At 8:00- Curbstone installation, subgrade leveling and compacting works - ongoing along with the paving of sidewalks until 20:00hrs.
By 20:00hrs, Laying of Aggregate Base Course (ABC layer) commenced in Ameenee Magu segments 12 and 13.
At 8:00 - Curbstone installations works were ongoing. Simultaneously, junction raising work aimed at optimizing traffic dynamics and connectivity unfolded. Subgrade leveling and compacting activities commenced, laying the foundation for sturdy and enduring urban surfaces.
By 20:00hrs, curbstone installation work carried on.
Our team continued with the curbstone installation, junction raising work followed by sub-grade leveling and sub-grade compacting works.
Curbstone installations took place, reinforcing the structural integrity of city streets. Simultaneously, junction raising work unfolded, promising improved traffic flow and connectivity at vital intersections. Subgrade leveling and compacting activities commenced, setting the groundwork for durable and resilient urban surfaces.
At 08:00 - Our team engaged in junction raising work along with subgrade leveling and compacting activities. 
by 16:00hrs, Junction raising work advanced, ensuring seamless connectivity and a more efficient urban infrastructure. Subgrade leveling and compacting activities maintained their pace.
By 20:00hrs, curbstone installations persisted, contributing to the ongoing transformation of the cityscape. Subgrade leveling and compacting activities continued, reinforcing structural stability for long-term sustainability.
At 08:00 - The construction day kicked off at 08:11, featuring strategic objectives such as excavating and installing crucial stormwater lines, curbstone installations, and sewer pumping line setups. This bustling activity continued into the afternoon at 16:23, with sustained efforts on stormwater lines, curbstone installations, and ongoing sidewalk paving.
By 20:00hrs work included the continuation of stormwater main line activities, further curbstone installations, and critical tasks like junction raising, sewer pumping pipe butt welding, and pressure testing of the MWSC water line. Paving sidewalks continued to be a priority, reflecting the city's dedication to both functionality and aesthetics.
At 08:00 - The day commenced with precision and purpose as crews engaged in the excavation and installation of critical components, including sewer and water connections, pipelines, stormwater lines, and the installation of streetlights. The coordinated efforts reflected a comprehensive strategy to elevate the city's foundational elements.
By 16:00hrs, The main focus shifted to the excavation and installation of the vital stormwater line, complemented by simultaneous work on installing cable trays and pipes. The ongoing effort also included the meticulous progress in the excavation and installation of water-house connection pipes.
By 20:00hrs, Crews intensified their efforts with the excavation and installation of the main stormwater line, accentuating the continuous advancement of the project. Additional noteworthy tasks included the installation of sewer pumping out fall pipes, further work on stormwater and house connection lines, casting of valve chambers, and the paving of sidewalks.
At 08:00 - The day started with plans to excavate and install various essential components, including sewer and water connections, pipelines, stormwater line, and installation of streetlights.
By 16:00hrs, the construction site remained active, focusing on the main stormwater line's excavation and installation. Simultaneously, our team worked on installing cable tray and pipes along with the excavation and installation of water-house connection pipe continued.
By 20:00hrs, the planned nighttime work included the excavation and installation of the main stormwater line, emphasizing continuous project progress. Curbstone installation was also on the agenda, showcasing attention to both functional and aesthetic aspects.
09:45hrs - Our team focused on excavating and installing a sewer outfall line, curbstones, Ooredoo, and HV pipelines.
11:30hrs - Minister of Construction and Infrastructure, Dr. Abdulla Muttalib, Deputy Ministers, State Ministers and RDC’s Senior Management Team visited the construction site today to check on the work progress of Ameenee Magu.
20:00hrs - Work continued with the installation of sewer house connection lines, Ooredhoo and HV pipelines, and stormwater cross pipes. These activities addressed various utility and drainage needs.
08:00hrs - Our team engaged in the process of excavating and installing a sewer outfall line and the installation of curbstone.
By 16:30hrs - The project site maintained its momentum as the team persisted in the essential activities of excavating and installing the sewer outfall line. The installation of curbstone also remained a key priority, showcasing the systematic approach to the construction process. This sustained effort underscored the team's dedication to achieving key milestones in the ongoing project.
By 19:00hrs - Excavation and installation of the sewer outfall line, coupled with curbstone installation, continued. Additionally, significant progress was made with the installation of streetlights. Cleaning work would be carried out until 06:00 on Friday, ensuring a well-prepared site for the upcoming phase. The team planned to resume operations promptly at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, demonstrating a well-coordinated and strategic approach to project scheduling.
08:00hrs - Our team diligently worked on excavating and installing a sewer outfall line and efforts were directed towards the installation of curbstone.
By 16:00hrs - Excavation and installation of the sewer outfall line persisted, underscoring the team's commitment to meeting project milestones. Concurrently, curbstone installation continued, complemented by the initiation of tasks such as excavating and installing a dewatering line, HV line and junction, stormwater pipeline, and water line.
By 21:00hrs - The team maintained its focus on essential tasks, including the ongoing excavation and installation of the sewer outfall line and curbstone. The scope expanded to encompass additional critical elements such as dewatering line installation, HV line and junction excavation and installation, stormwater pipeline installation, Ooredoo pipeline installation, water line excavation and installation, and the installation of streetlights.
The planned work for the day includes the crucial tasks of excavating and installing stormwater line. Additionally, a 400mm sewer outfall line was slated for installation, commencing from the starting point at Kan’baa Aisarani Magu. Installation of curbstone was carried out as well.
From 16:00hrs - Excavation and installation of the stormwater line is still underway, as well as the installation of sewer outfall line. Notably, the team also dedicated efforts to excavating and installing HV cross pipes.
From 20:00hrs - The excavation and installation of the 400mm sewer outfall line remained a priority. Simultaneously, the installation of curbstone persisted, contributing to the comprehensive development of the project site. A notable update included the initiation of water house connection work, demonstrating the team's commitment to efficient and round-the-clock progress.
08:00hrs - Excavation and installation of the stormwater line is underway. Simultaneously, our team focused on installing sewer house connection lines, ensuring a seamless and efficient waste management system.
16:00hrs – Our team persevered with the excavation and installation of the stormwater line, emphasizing the project's commitment to environmental sustainability and water management. Additionally, a 160mm water pipe underwent meticulous butt-welding.
20:00hrs – Excavating and installing the stormwater line, along with installing dewatering line. Additionally, there is the excavation and installation of HV line.
08:17hrs - The day's planned work revolves around various tasks, including the excavation and installation of the stormwater outfall pipe, stormwater main line, and butt-welding work for 315mm sewer pumping outfall pipes. The team is also actively engaged in excavating and installing the sewer overflow pipe, conducting MWSC water pipe pressure testing, and ensuring the installation of curbstones.
Progress persists as of 15:30hrs, with the continuation of tasks outlined earlier in the day. Our team is actively involved in excavating and installing the stormwater outfall pipe, stormwater main line, and butt-welding work for 315mm sewer pumping outfall pipes. Concurrently, efforts focus on the excavation and installation of the sewer overflow pipe, MWSC water pipe pressure testing, and the installation of curbstones. This consistent dedication throughout the day showcases the team's commitment to achieving milestones in the ongoing project.
20:00hrs - Excavating and installing the stormwater line, setting up the sewer overflow pipe, conducting MWSC water pipe pressure testing, and installing curbstones.
The scheduled tasks for the day encompass the excavation and installation of the stormwater main line, installation of sewer overflow systems, MWSC water line pressure testing, and the installation of curbstones. Additionally, the team will engage in the butt-welding of 315mm sewer pumping outfall pipes, ensuring comprehensive progress in various facets of the project.
Minister of Construction and Infrastructure, Dr. Abdulla Muttalib visited the construction site today to check on the work progress of Ameenee Magu. He was accompanied by Ministers of State, Deputy Ministers, and Senior Officials of the Ministry.
20:00hrs - Planned work continues with a focus on excavating and installing the stormwater outfall pipe and main line, as well as the installation of sewer overflow systems. Concurrently, MWSC water line undergoes pressure testing, and curbstone installation proceeds. This evening's tasks also include butt-welding the 315mm sewer pumping outfall pipes.
Scheduled to resume on Friday, 15th December at 20:00 after a 24-hour break, the evening's planned work includes excavating and installing stormwater tanks and pipes, along with the excavation and installation of HV lines and dewatering lines.
08:00hrs - The work came to a halt due to heavy rain. Planned tasks included excavating and installing the stormwater line, stormwater outfall pipe connecting to the pump station, sewer main line, and water 160mm and 160mm sewer house connection lines. Despite the interruption, as soon as the weather permitted, the team resumed activities, focusing on excavating and installing the stormwater line connected to the pump station, sewer main line, water 160mm and 160mm sewer house connection lines, along with the installation of the dewatering line, HV line, and Oooredoo pipeline. Their commitment to the project persevered despite weather challenges.
08:00hrs - Our team diligently focused on key tasks, including the excavation and installation of the sewer 160mm house connection line, water 160mm house connection line, sewer 160mm main holes, sewer main line, cable trays, stormwater line, stormwater outfall pipe and the installation of curbstone. Additionally, they worked on the removal of zigzag as well.
14:30hrs - The momentum continued as the team persisted in tasks such as excavating and installing the sewer 160mm and water 160mm house connection lines, sewer main line, and stormwater line. Additionally, efforts extended to the meticulous installation of cable trays and pipes, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring a robust and well-organized utility system.
20:00hrs - The focus shifted towards other tasks, including the excavation and installation of the stormwater line, stormwater outfall pipe connecting to the pump station, sewer main line, and the water 160mm house connection line.
08:00hrs - Our team is actively engaged in excavating and installing the sewer 160mm house connection line, water 160mm house connection line, sewer 160mm main pipes, cable trays, stormwater pipe, and dewatering line and tanks. Additionally, efforts included the removal of zigzag structures and relocating trees.
15:00hrs - These tasks continued, and the team added the installation of curbstone to their ongoing tasks. 20:00hrs - The dedicated efforts persisted, focusing on the excavation and installation of sewer and water house connection lines, sewer 160mm main pipes, cable trays, stormwater line, dewatering line and tanks, and installation of curbstone.  
Work carried out after 08:00 included the installation of the MWSC sewer pumping line (completion of 4-line connection near the Ministry junction), excavation and installation of the sewer and water 160mm house connection lines, as well as the installation of cable trays and pipes, HV junction and the removal and relocation of zigzag blocks and trees.
Additional work included the excavation and installation of stormwater pipe. Our team's continued efforts, including the excavation and installation of the 200mm sewer main line as well.
As of 20:30, ongoing work includes the installation of the MWSC sewer pumping line, excavation, and installation of the sewer 160mm house connection line, as well as the removal of zigzag structures and the relocation of trees.
At 23:30, the latest update reports continued progress with the installation of the MWSC sewer pumping line, excavation, and installation of the sewer 160mm house connection line, along with the excavation and installation of cable trays and pipes. 
Work began on segments 12 and 13, starting with the removal of zigzag blocks. Excavation work commenced at the Radio Building side for the installation of sewer and water pipes as well as the the connection works for the sewer pumping main line. 
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