Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Project Updates

24 March 2024

30th June 2024 - 06th July 2024
In Dh. Kudahuvadhoo, extensive work is ongoing to improve stormwater management and road conditions. Excavation for Stormwater Line 3 is being carried out at Saimaa Hingun, with stormwater pipelines being laid and junction catch pits being cast on-site at Fareedhee Magu. Various types of stormwater tanks (A, B, and C) and their top sections are being cast, along with the preparation of steel frameworks for these tanks. Additional tasks include shifting materials from the harbor to the site, cleaning and leveling roads, making foam work for stormwater tanks, and rearranging the site area. At Fareedhee Magu Line 3, half catch-pits are being cast, and paving blocks are being halved, separated, and palletized. Excavation for Stormwater Line 1 is also underway at Thundee Goalhi, where stormwater pipelines and junctions are being installed. Corner making is in progress at Rahmaanee Hingun, supported by dry mix preparation for the corner team. Material shifting to road teams and continued steel framework preparation for stormwater tanks are also part of the ongoing efforts.
23rd June 2024 - 29th June 2024
Excavation work for Stormwater Line 3 is in progress at Fareedhee Magu, along with the installation of Stormwater Junction Type C and the laying of a 200mm UPVC stormwater pipeline. Backfilling and leveling activities are also ongoing at Fareedhee Magu. Sidewalk paving work is being carried out at Sosan Magu, including corner finishing and curbstone on-site casting. Additionally, sidewalk preparation for paving is underway at Rahmaanee Magu. The construction efforts include the casting of Stormwater Tanks A, B, and C, as well as their top sections, and the fabrication of steel frameworks for these tanks. 
02nd June 2024 - 08th June 2024
Excavation and backfilling work for stormwater systems are being conducted at Fareedhee Magu and Saimaa Hingun, where UPVC and HDPE pipelines are being installed, with HDPE pipe butt welding also in progress. Stormwater junction installations are taking place at Fareedhee Magu and Saimaa Hingun, with extensive work on casting stormwater tanks of types A, B, and C, along with their top sections. These tasks are complemented by sidewalk preparation and paving at locations including Muhidheen Magu, Sosan Magu, and Aabadhee Hingun, with curbstone installation and corner finishing work being done at Husainee Hingun. Road clearance and cleaning efforts are ongoing, particularly at Fareedhee Magu, Nirili Goalhi, and Muhidheen Magu, where damaged paving blocks are also being shifted. CBJ frame removal and border making are taking place at multiple sites. Additionally, the team is engaged in CSR activities, such as removing pavement blocks and leveling in front of the mosque, as per council requisition for Eid celebrations. Other tasks include making steel framework and foam work for stormwater tanks, casting culvert joints, unloading deformed bars, and delivering materials and equipment to various sites to support ongoing operations.
26th May 2024 - 01st June 2024
At Fareedhee Magu, the work includes excavating for stormwater management, installing stormwater junctions, laying 200mm UPVC stormwater pipelines, casting catch pits on-site, and performing backfilling and leveling. Additionally, stormwater tanks of types A1, B, and C, as well as Cable Junction type B rings, are being cast. Steel framework and foam work for the tanks are being constructed, and the site is undergoing cleaning and rearranging, with paving blocks being palleted. At Kaasinjee Hingun, on-site casting of light post foundations, tree pits, and curbstones is taking place, along with corner finishing work. Sidewalk preparations for paving are underway at Muhidheen Magu and Nirili Goalhi, with sidewalk finishing work also occurring at Nirili Goalhi. 
19th May 2024 - 25th May 2024
Fareedhee Magu is witnessing on-site casting of catch pits, backfilling, and leveling activities, alongside excavation work for stormwater systems and the laying of UPVC pipes, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to drainage management. Additionally, the installation of Stormwater tank type A underscores efforts to improve water retention and flood prevention measures. Meanwhile, Muhidheen Magu sees preparations for sidewalk paving and the laying of boundary quay walls, along with the installation of street light cables. Notably, casting works for Stormwater tanks and cable junctions are in progress, accompanied by road leveling efforts and the preparation of paving blocks. 
12th May 2024 - 18th May 2024
Along Fareedhee Magu, work focuses on stormwater management with excavation for installing Stormwater tank type C, followed by backfilling and leveling. The laying of UPVC pipes ensures durable water transport, while the installation of Stormwater tank type A and HDPE Pipe 110mm butt welding addresses comprehensive drainage needs. Dewatering pipelines are also being laid to enhance water resilience. Meanwhile, Kurivaa Hingun is being prepared for sidewalk paving to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility. Boundary walls are being constructed while the completion of sidewalk paving is ongoing.
05th May 2024 - 11th May 2024
Along Bodaavah Magu, the groundwork for improved stormwater management is evident through excavation works, paving the way for the installation of stormwater junctions. Concurrently, catch pit on-site casting enhances drainage efficiency, crucial for mitigating flood risks during inclement weather. Kurivaa Hingun is undergoing sidewalk paving preparations, signaling a commitment to pedestrian safety and accessibility, with subsequent paving works promising enhanced walkability. Similarly, Kaasinjee Hingun sees progress with the installation of curb lines, essential for delineating road edges and ensuring orderly traffic flow. Fareedhee Magu witnesses focused efforts on stormwater infrastructure, with excavation works underway for stormwater lines and the installation of type C stormwater junctions, underscoring the island's commitment to comprehensive infrastructure upgrades.
28th April 2024 - 04th May 2024
Along Bodaavah Magu, work is carried out for laying the groundwork for the installation of stormwater junctions and catch pits. Road clearance efforts ensure unimpeded progress, paving the way for efficient stormwater management systems. In Balleedhandu Hingun, paving work is ongoing. Simultaneously, excavation works for dewatering pipelines signify a commitment to mitigating water-related challenges. Meanwhile, along Kaasinjee Hingun, the installation of curbstones adds both functionality and aesthetic appeal to the streetscape. Lastly, at Nirili Goalhi, meticulous attention to detail is evident as corner finishing works enhance the visual appeal and safety of the thoroughfare.
21st April 2024 - 27th April 2024
Bodurasgefaanu Magu is currently undergoing sidewalk paving and corner paving work, with a focus on gap filling and pavement finishing to ensure smooth and safe pedestrian pathways. Similarly, Ameenee Goalhi is seeing sidewalk corner paving and pavement finishing activities to enhance pedestrian accessibility and safety. In Aabaadhee Hingun, efforts are directed towards tree pit making, contributing to the greening and beautification of the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Bodaavah Magu is the site of stormwater pipeline laying, stormwater junction installation, and stormwater catch pit on-site casting, essential for effective drainage management. Sosun Magu is undergoing street light cable laying to improve visibility and safety during the night, while Nirili Goalhi and Baleedhandu Hingun are both undergoing sidewalk preparation and paving works, further enhancing pedestrian infrastructure across Dh. Kudahuvadhoo. 
07th April 2024 - 20th April 2024
Along Husainee Hingun, initiatives include trenching for street light cables, laying these cables, and subsequent backfilling and leveling activities. Simultaneously, sidewalk paving efforts are underway, enhancing pedestrian accessibility and safety in the vicinity.
In Nirili Goalhi and Bodurasgefaanu Magu, the focus is on sidewalk paving, aiming to create pedestrian-friendly environments conducive to community engagement and mobility. Meanwhile, Muhihdheen Magu and Ameenee Goalhi witness tree pit making and sidewalk paving projects, respectively, further enhancing the greenery and walkability of these areas. Lastly, Sosun Magu undergoes tree pit making as well, enriching the urban landscape and promoting environmental sustainability.
31st March 2024 - 06th April 2024
Along Fareedhee Magu, essential tasks include excavating for stormwater management, rectifying cable junctions, and conducting backfilling and leveling work. Simultaneously, the installation of stormwater junction type A1 tops and steel grating is advancing to bolster drainage systems. On Husainee Hingun, efforts focus on trenching existing asphalt to facilitate corner making, while tree pit creation enhances greenery along Balleedhandu Hingun. Ameenee Goalhi sees the completion of tree pit finishing, along with ongoing trenching, backfilling, and corner making endeavors to optimize traffic flow and safety. Meanwhile, Bodu Rasgefaanu Goalhi's landscape is being enhanced through the finalization of tree pit finishing work. 
24th March 2024 - 30th March 2024
In Dh. Kudahuvadhoo, various projects are underway across different areas. In Fareedhee Magu, efforts are focused on improving drainage infrastructure, with activities such as backfilling and leveling, excavation for storm water systems, installation of storm water junctions, and laying storm water pipeline pipes. On Kurivaa Hingun, work is being done to finish tree pits, likely as part of landscaping efforts to beautify the area and provide greenery. Sosun Magu sees excavation of existing asphalt to facilitate corner making, indicating potential road layout adjustments for improved traffic flow and safety. Similarly, on Aabaadhee Hingun, excavation of existing asphalt is taking place for corner making, likely as part of road improvement projects. In Husenee Hingun, activities involve excavation for curbline installation, followed by the installation of curbline structures. Backfilling and leveling works are also in progress to ensure the road surface is restored and leveled properly. Lastly, on Balleedhandu Hingun, finishing works for tree pits are being carried out.
17th March 2024 - 23rd March 2024
Road development activities are currently underway on three different roads: Bodurasgefaanu Magu, Fareedhee Magu, and Sosun Magu. At Bodurasgefaanu Magu, the primary focus is on backfilling and leveling to ensure proper groundwork preparation. Fareedhee Magu is undergoing stormwater pipeline work, involving excavation, pipe laying, junction installation, and HDPE pipe welding. Additionally, there is work related to dewatering HDPE pipes. Meanwhile, Sosun Magu is undergoing enhancements to its infrastructure, including trenching existing asphalt for finishing road corners and completing tree pits. 
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