HA. Dhihdhoo Project Updates

10 June 2024

14th July 2024 - 20th July 2024
At the Casting Yard, recent works involved casting stormwater catchpits (Type A1), street light footings, and stormwater concrete lean, with additional tasks such as mixing concrete for keywall works at Rassigandu Magu. At Rassigandu Magu, activities include installing the keywall and stormwater catchpits, with ongoing backfilling of excavated areas. Keywall corners are being installed, and there has been excavation for keywall mould installation. At Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, paving blocks have been installed, and spots are being excavated for street light footing installation. Additionally, a cable junction was lifted and covered.  
23rd June 2024 - 29th June 2024
In Phase 2 of the Ha.Dhihdhoo project, extensive work was conducted across various sites, including the casting yard, Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, and Rassigandu Magu. The casting yard focused on mixing concrete for Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, including casting a stormwater chamber top. At Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, paving blocks were installed, and keywall works were performed, with a total of 24.75 meters of keywall molds installed and concreted. Rassigandu Magu concentrated on stormwater works, including removing six chambers. Ongoing tasks in the casting yard continued with mixing concrete for Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, while at Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu, the installation of paving blocks progressed steadily.
02nd June 2024 - 08th June 2024
In the ongoing Phase 2 project in Ha. Dhihdhoo, significant progress is being made on road infrastructure improvements. Dhaanaakaleyfaanu Magu is a focal point, with various activities aimed at enhancing road quality and safety. Paving works are underway, accompanied by the reinstallation, removal, and installation of curbstones, ensuring proper delineation of the road edges. Additionally, the installation of curbstone corners and treepits further contributes to the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the road. Keywall works are also being carried out to reinforce road structures and prevent erosion. In parallel, at Rassigandu Magu, the installation of stormwater junctions is progressing, addressing drainage needs.
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