Kulhudhuffushi City Project Updates

31 March 2024

30th June 2024 - 06th July 2024
The stormwater pipeline work is progressing at Saharaa Magu, while paving works are underway at Dhonumarukaleyfaanu Magu Iru. At Dhandu Magu, street light footing installation is in progress, along with cable installation. Level marking activities are being conducted at Lainoofaru Magu for the CHEC team. Junction resurface work is taking place at Kinbigas Magu and Mudhinkaleyge Magu, with rectification work of the cable junction pipeline at Kinbigas Magu. The project team is also supplying materials to the road team and retrieving tools and equipment back to the site. Additionally, the team is involved in making resurface junction molds and rings and taking remaining curbstones from Fareedhee Magu. 
23rd June 2024 - 29th June 2024
During Phase 2 of the Kulhudhuffushi City project, extensive work was carried out on various roads and infrastructure. Key activities included the laying of stormwater pipelines and the installation of corner curbstones and keywalls at Saharaa Magu. The team focused on marking levels for the CHEC team and completing casting tasks. Junction resurfacing work was undertaken at Kendhigas Magu, Kinbigas Magu, and Edhurukaleyfaanu Magu. Materials were supplied to the road team, and tools and equipment were returned to the site as needed. Additional efforts included taking remaining curbstones from asphalt roads, preparing dry and concrete mixes for the road teams, and conducting paving works at Dhonumarukaleyfaanu Magu Iru. Street light footings were installed at Dhandu Magu, ensuring improved lighting infrastructure. Throughout the project, multiple iterations of stormwater pipeline work, keywall construction, and curbstone installations were performed, emphasizing thoroughness and attention to detail in all activities.
02nd June 2024 - 08th June 2024
Stormwater junction resurfacing work is underway at multiple locations, including Soafiyaa Hingun, Namoonaa Hingun, and Dandehelu Magu, enhancing road safety and drainage efficiency. Keywall construction at Soafiyaa Hingun and curbstone installation at Edhurukaleyfaanu Hingun and Bolhadhandu Magu are contributing to the structural integrity and aesthetics of the roads. Additionally, efforts such as casting, concrete mixing, and gap fill mixing are ensuring the quality of construction materials. Roadway areas and pavements are being leveled and cleaned meticulously, while junction pits at Soafiyaa Hingun and Neelofaru Magu are being maintained for optimal functionality. Corner curbstone installation further enhances the road infrastructure at key locations.
26th May 2024 - 01st June 2024
Curbstone installations are ongoing at Neelofaru Magu, Soafiyaa Hingun, and Edhurukaleyfaanu Magu. Cable junction cross pipelines are being laid at Edhurukaleyfaanu Magu and Boalhadhandu Magu. Stormwater (SW) junction resurfacing work is being conducted at Neelofaru Magu and Soafiyaa Hingun. Asphalt laying is taking place at Dhandu Magu, with road marking at Edhurukaleyfaanu Magu. Essential tasks such as casting, sand sieving, dry and concrete mixing, and gap-fill mixing are being performed to support these projects. Levels are being marked for the road teams, and materials, tools, and equipment are being supplied and returned to the site as needed. Additional activities include removing curbstones from asphalt-completed roads and curbstone cut piecing.
19th May 2024 - 25th May 2024
At various locations such as Dhandu Magu, Neelofaru Magu, Soafiyaa Hingun, and Edhurukaleyfaanu Magu, significant developments are underway. Initiatives include the setup of keywalls, installation of curbstones, laying of cable junction cross pipelines, and resurfacing stormwater junctions, all aimed at improving the city's drainage and utility systems. Additionally, activities such as cleaning and leveling roads, casting and mixing concrete, and arranging workshop fittings underscore a meticulous approach to infrastructure development. Notably, efforts are also being made to prepare cable junction molds, further indicating a focus on long-term infrastructure sustainability.  
12th May 2024 - 18th May 2024
Along Dhandu Magu, essential construction activities are underway, including the construction of keywalls. Additionally, prime coating is being applied to ensure the durability and longevity of road surfaces, followed by the precise laying of asphalt. Concurrently, efforts are focused on rectifying curbline structures. Neelofaru Magu witnesses the installation of curbstones. Over on Jalaaludin Uthuru Magu, the placement of steel grating covers signifies a commitment to infrastructure maintenance and safety, ensuring the integrity of drainage systems. Similarly, Soafiyaa Hingun sees the laying of cable junction crosses, facilitating efficient utility management and minimizing disruptions.  
05th May 2024 - 11th May 2024
In the ongoing development phase of Kulhudhuffushi City - Phase 2, significant progress is being made to enhance the infrastructure across various streets. Along Dhandu Magu, comprehensive efforts include the establishment of keywall setups, meticulous levels marking, and the installation of curbstones, all critical for road delineation and structural stability. Subgrade work is also underway, laying the foundation for durable road surfaces, followed by the laying of Aggregate Base Course (ABC) to ensure longevity and resilience. Roashanee Magu, Maitu Magu, and Dhonumarukaleyfaanu Magu are all witnessing asphalt laying works, indicating a holistic approach to road surfacing and improvement.
28th April 2024 - 04th May 2024
Along Heynakathaa Hingun, the laying of Aggregate Base Course followed by priming and the precise application of asphalt promises durability and smooth passage for commuters. Transitioning to Neelofaru Magu, a focus on utility infrastructure is evident with cable junction crossing initiatives underway. Meanwhile, Dhandu Magu witnesses a flurry of activity as curbstone installations and keywall constructions take place, while meticulous level marking ensures precision and safety in construction. Ujaalaa Hingun and Roashanee Magu both see significant progress with asphalt laying.  
31st March 2024 - 06th April 2024
In the second phase of development in Kulhudhuffushi City, a series of infrastructure projects are actively underway to address various aspects of urban improvement. Manaaz Goalhi and Fareedhee Magu witness asphalt laying activities, aimed at upgrading road surfaces for smoother travel experiences. Concurrently, road excavation works on Kudheenaa Hingun signify efforts to enhance transportation networks and accessibility within the region. In Dhandu Magu, keywall construction efforts underway to bolster structural integrity, alongside levels marking for curbline and installation of curbstones. 
24th March 2024 - 30th March 2024   
In the ongoing Phase 2 development in Hdh. Kulhudhuffushi, several infrastructure projects are being executed across different streets and areas. On Heynakathaa Hingun, keywall construction is underway, which is crucial for retaining walls and ensuring stability in the area. Additionally, curbstone installation is being carried out to enhance road delineation and safety. Excavation for subgrade is taking place on Kudheenaa Hingun, alongside fire hydrant work, indicating efforts to improve underground infrastructure and emergency response capabilities. In Maalihaa Magu west and Dharahdhaa Magu, asphalt laying projects are in progress. Final cutting and recompacting of the Aggregate Base Course (ABC) layer is being conducted on Fareedhee Magu and Namoonaa Hingun. Furthermore, cable junction crossing work is being carried out on Dhandu Magu.
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