Road Development Corporation Signs Contract for Design and Build of Major Roads at N. Manadhoo

12 April 2023

The Road Development Corporation (RDC) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for the Design and Build of Major Roads at N. Manadhoo. The agreement was signed on March 9th, 2023, marking a significant milestone in the development of the region's transportation infrastructure.
The agreement was signed by the Permanent Secretary Zeenya Ahmed Hameed and the General Manager of RDC Ahmed Shihad. The construction of major roads at N. Manadhoo is expected to commence soon, and the project is anticipated to be completed within the stipulated timeline.
The project aims to improve the connectivity and accessibility of N. Manadhoo by constructing major roads that are efficient and safe for both pedestrians and vehicles. The scope of the project includes asphalt laying on 4.2km of road, installation of a drainage system, and installation of street lights. The project was contracted to RDC at a price of USD4.9 million.
The project is expected to create a significant number of job opportunities for the people of N. Manadhoo, contributing to the local economy. Furthermore, the improved transportation infrastructure will facilitate the development of tourism, commerce, and industry in the region.
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